O Ed Emery και το Ινστιτούτο Ρεμπετολογίας διοργανώνουν το 14ο Ρεμπέτικο
Συνέδριο στην Ύδρα που θα διεξαχθεί από την Παρασκευή 3 έως και την Κυριακή 5 Οκτωβρίου 2014 στην αίθουσα "Μελίνα Μερκούρη".
Το πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου θα περιλαμβάνει και ένα αφιέρωμα στη μνήμη του Ηλία Πετρόπουλου.
Η Ρεμπέτικη Συναυλία θα πραγματοποιηθεί το Σάββατο 4 Οκτωβρίου στην "Ξερή Ελιά". Θέμα συναυλία : "Crossing Borders".
Friday 3 to Sunday 5 October 2014
Melina Mercouri Hall, Harbourside, Island of Hydra
Hello Friends.
I am freshly returned from Hydra, where I have been organising things for our upcoming Rebetiko Gathering in October.
Already the islanders are talking about it and looking forward to it. Our Gathering is one of the nicest events in the Hydra calendar.
You are invited to join us in Hydra for a weekend of good music, good talking, and all the things that this lovely island has to offer..
The programme will include a conference, with presentations of papers, including a special homage to the memory of the noted rebetophile Ilias Petropoulos.
As usual, we shall bring musicians for the annual Rebetiko Supper at the Douskos Restaurant [Xeri Elia], to be held on Saturday 4 October. This year's concert theme will be "Crossing Borders".
There will also be the usual music-making sessions at various locations around the harbourside during the weekend. Bring instruments!
If you would like to attend the Gathering, write to me, and I shall send you more details.
Here are a couple of nice videos of our earlier Hydra Rebetiko Gatherings.
** Mr Doulis sings “Stou vosporou ta stena”
** The band plays at Douskos Restaurant
This is our Facebook 'fan page' if you would like to join in:
www.facebook.com/pages/SOAS-Rebetiko Band/171459402170
There will be a small registration fee for members of the general public attending.
Attendance is free for residents of the Island of Hydra, but pre-registration is requested.
Access to the Island is by frequent ferries from the port of Piraeus.
With best regards,
Ed Emery
[Organised by the Institute of Rebetology, London]
Το πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου θα περιλαμβάνει και ένα αφιέρωμα στη μνήμη του Ηλία Πετρόπουλου.
Η Ρεμπέτικη Συναυλία θα πραγματοποιηθεί το Σάββατο 4 Οκτωβρίου στην "Ξερή Ελιά". Θέμα συναυλία : "Crossing Borders".
Friday 3 to Sunday 5 October 2014
Melina Mercouri Hall, Harbourside, Island of Hydra
Hello Friends.
I am freshly returned from Hydra, where I have been organising things for our upcoming Rebetiko Gathering in October.
Already the islanders are talking about it and looking forward to it. Our Gathering is one of the nicest events in the Hydra calendar.
You are invited to join us in Hydra for a weekend of good music, good talking, and all the things that this lovely island has to offer..
The programme will include a conference, with presentations of papers, including a special homage to the memory of the noted rebetophile Ilias Petropoulos.
As usual, we shall bring musicians for the annual Rebetiko Supper at the Douskos Restaurant [Xeri Elia], to be held on Saturday 4 October. This year's concert theme will be "Crossing Borders".
There will also be the usual music-making sessions at various locations around the harbourside during the weekend. Bring instruments!
If you would like to attend the Gathering, write to me, and I shall send you more details.
Here are a couple of nice videos of our earlier Hydra Rebetiko Gatherings.
** Mr Doulis sings “Stou vosporou ta stena”
** The band plays at Douskos Restaurant
This is our Facebook 'fan page' if you would like to join in:
There will be a small registration fee for members of the general public attending.
Attendance is free for residents of the Island of Hydra, but pre-registration is requested.
Access to the Island is by frequent ferries from the port of Piraeus.
With best regards,
Ed Emery
[Organised by the Institute of Rebetology, London]
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